Glamour in Glass

SOLD! The Glamourist Histories are heading for Hungarian translation.

We’ve — and by we, I mean my wonderful agent — have just sold Hungarian translation rights on SHADES OF MILK AND HONEY, GLAMOUR IN GLASS, and WITHOUT A SUMMER to publisher NOUVION Trade Sociedad anonima under the imprint of IPC Books Kft. According to Google translate, which is so reliable, the first book would […]

SOLD! The Glamourist Histories are heading for Hungarian translation. Read More »

The Writer Librarian: GLAMOUR IN GLASS, by Mary Robinette Kowal

I’ve been interviewed over at The Writer Librarian. Here’s a sample question. Your website states that you are a both an award-winning author and an award-winning puppeteer. How do you divide time between both professions and has puppeteering played an active influence on your writing life (or vice-versa)? Read my answer to this and other

The Writer Librarian: GLAMOUR IN GLASS, by Mary Robinette Kowal Read More »

Bewitched Bookworms: Character Interview with Jane Ellsworth from Shades of Milk and Honey

If you’ve ever been curious about what Jane might say in an interview, Bewitched Bookworms interviewed Jane, on their website. You can find out how old she was when she first started learning glamour and some hints about her plans for the future.  

Bewitched Bookworms: Character Interview with Jane Ellsworth from Shades of Milk and Honey Read More »

New beginnings – or – What happened to my novel’s first sentence?

We talk a lot about how important the first line in a novel is. Everyone knows the famous ones, like “Call me Ishmael.” Imagine what would happen if the unthinkable occurred. What if the first line were accidentally omitted by the typesetter? Would Moby Dick have been the same if it started,  “Some years ago

New beginnings – or – What happened to my novel’s first sentence? Read More »

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