
I am represented by Seth Fishman of the Gernert Co. For inquiries about rights, please email him directly. [email protected]

Please direct all media and speaking inquiries to Mary Robinette’s publicist, Katelynn Dreyer, [email protected]

For other correspondence, I very much enjoy getting mail, particularly physical mail. Shockingly old school, I know but the exchange of written correspondence is delightfully personal. If you’d like to mail me a letter, I will answer with an actual paper letter, just be forewarned that sometimes my travel schedule is such that it’s a month between visits to the mailbox.

Mary Robinette Kowal
P.O. Box #630026
Littleton, CO 80163-0026

On the other hand, this is the 21st century, so if this is a time-sensitive or business matter, please use the contact form below.

(Just as a side note because I know it is confusing: Robinette is not my maiden name. I use both names, so think of Mary Robinette like “Mary Anne.” Addressing me by any of these variants is fine: Mary Robinette, or Mrs. Kowal but never Mrs. Robinette Kowal.)

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