Since people have varied schedules, timezones, & income, there are multiple ways you can take my classes:
First up is the free options (yes, I said free). I have a few nicely edited videos on my youtube channel. I also have been on the Writing Excuses Podcast for a number of years and there is a large backlog of episodes. I suggest you start either in Season 10 or by searching the topic of interest to you.
Second up are my live public classes and the growing library of asynchronous classes on thinkific. Recorded classes are $10 a class and you get access to a growing online writing community!
The third option is my Patreon! Once a month I teach a class to my Patreon members and upon subscribing you receive access to my entire library of past classes to watch at your leisure.
And lastly, I semi-regularly will teach classes at conventions or other events. Sign up for my newsletter to get updates on when and where those will happen.
As a bonus, I have a series of journal posts I made a while back on Reading Aloud (and a few videos). Here is the link to them all in one place.
And now, a bit on why I teach the way I do…
A big part of the reason I’m teaching is because I profoundly believe that learning to understand the process gives you the ability to level up. I want to help people understand the technique so that those techniques don’t get in the way of making the art.
I teach the classes online because I know that not everyone can take six weeks off, or even a week off work, much less afford to travel somewhere. I want the darn thing to be affordable because when I needed this most was when I didn’t have a lot of disposable income.