My Favorite Bit

My Favorite Bit: Kari Sperring talks about The Grass King’s Concubine

The Grass King’s Concubine caught me on the first page with the language. Kari Sperring has managed to create this… epic fantasy is not right. It’s a mythic fantasy, in that it feels like I was reading a story much, much older than it was, but it’s all original. It’s a novel that is very […]

My Favorite Bit: Kari Sperring talks about The Grass King’s Concubine Read More »

My Favorite Bits: Madeleine Ashby talks about vN

This week’s book is vN: The First Machine Dynasty  by Madeleine Ashby. Amy Peterson is a self-replicating humanoid robot known as a VonNeumann. For the past five years, she has been grown slowly as part of a mixed organic/synthetic family. She knows very little about her android mother’s past, so when her grandmother arrives and

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My Favorite Bit: Lynn Flewelling talks about Casket of Souls

I’m going to get out of the way on this one and give you the publisher blurb because it does a better job of setting up the latest Nightrunner book, Casket of Souls, than I can. The Nightrunners are back in this gripping novel full of Lynn Flewelling’s trademark action, intrigue, and richly imagined characters. More than

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My Favorite Bit: Gregory Frost talks about the short story “Vulpes”

I’m very happy to have my first guest in to speak about a short story.  I often feel that short story writers don’t have enough opportunities to talk about their craft. So the My Favorite Bit feature is a place where they can. My first guest is Gregory Frost. He writes both short fiction and

My Favorite Bit: Gregory Frost talks about the short story “Vulpes” Read More »

My Favorite Bit: Cassie Alexander talks about Nightshifted

What happens when you take your urban fantasty and hand it to a registered nurse? You get a secret ward at the local hospital which caters to vampires, were-things, and zombies. Cassie Alexander’s debut novel follows the newest nurse on the ward, Edie Spence, as she tries to treat with the world of the paranormal

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My Favorite Bit: A. M. Dellamonica talks about Blue Magic

I’m very excited about the newest installment in the Books of Chantments universe. I so enjoy the way magic is handled as something that is both powerful and can embue ordinary objects with extraordinary properties. So what is the author’s Favorite Bit? Let’s see. A. M. DELLAMONICA: I had to think a fair amount about

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My Favorite Bit: Mike Underwood talks about Geekomancy

Here we have a debut novel by Mike Underwood for your consideration. For Geekomancy he’s basically turned geek culture into a magic system. Let’s see what his favorite bit is, shall we? MIKE UNDERWOOD: I have a lot of favorite bits in Geekomancy – weaving geek language into conversation, Geekomancy as a literalization of the power of

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My Favorite Bit: Aliette de Bodard talks about Obsidian and Blood

When so many writers are still playing with Europe as the field for their fantasy, Aliette de Bodard heads straight for the Aztec empire.  Her fiction is exciting because it is both familiar and strange. And here’s another thing to make you crazy. She’s writing in a second language. Aliette grew up speaking French, because,

My Favorite Bit: Aliette de Bodard talks about Obsidian and Blood Read More »

My Favorite Bit: Bradley P. Beaulieu talks about The Straits of Galahesh

I met Brad when we were taking Orson Scott Card’s Literary Bootcamp back in 2005. He was one of the people whose story made me think, “Yep. This guy will have a career,”  because it had really interesting world-building combined with lovely writing. Behold! I was right. How smug I feel to recognize someone else’s

My Favorite Bit: Bradley P. Beaulieu talks about The Straits of Galahesh Read More »

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