Glamour in Glass

Write to Jane from Shades of Milk and Honey

I have just realized that Jane, from Shades of Milk and Honey should participate in the Month of Letters Challenge. So, she is. If you want to write to her, address correspondence to: Mrs. David Vincent P.O. Box 221298 Chicago, IL 60622 I will tell you, as a teaser, that she will be writing back to you with

Write to Jane from Shades of Milk and Honey Read More »

Glamour in Glass: Lady Hertford’s claret velvet dress

Yesterday, I showed you a sneak peek of Glamour in Glass through a picture of Jane’s dove grey silk dress. She thought it seemed dingy by comparison… to what? To this dress. The dove silk which had seemed so fine when she had commissioned it last summer now seemed dingy by comparison to gowns such as

Glamour in Glass: Lady Hertford’s claret velvet dress Read More »

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