Testing Wordbook again.

One more test. Still nothing to see here, another test to see if the Wordbook plugin works.

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7 thoughts on “Testing Wordbook again.”

  1. This is what I see
    “One more test. Still nothing to see here, another test to see if the Wordbook plugin works.”
    “plugin” is not underlined in the real text. It is probably complaining about the sprelling while I’m entering it.

  2. On an unrelated note, your posts disappeared from my LJ Friends Page for some strange reason since late last week (although the posts are clearly on your LJ).

  3. Mary, why don’t you just import your blog using Facebook’s import function? it works quite well, really. You can see it on your profile, and import your blog, your stumbleupon, digg, youtube, etc.

      1. it’s like Friendfeed, only for Facebook and with less options. on your profile, beneath the wall you’ll see Settings. Click. Click on “import activity” and select your networks of choice.
        your blogs will show up under Notes, in full text, similar to what Wordbook did. You can set your options so that the title and first para show up in the newsfeeds.

        have you upgraded to wp 2.7 yet?

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