Withdrawing from Wiscon due to illness. Darn it.

Ooo! Look what the post brought me! @Paul_CornellI usually joke that after touring to school systems as a puppeteer, I spent the first two years being sick and now have the immune system of the Gods. It’s unusual for me to be ill and I’m grumpy and in denial when it happens. In this case however, I’ve been running a low-grade fever since Sunday with a hacking cough (Doctor’s appointment tomorrow, yes) and being a plague carrier to a convention seems stupid.

And mean.

So I’m going to stay home and hunker down under the covers with Paul Cornell. I mean his book. It’s– Look! I have a copy of The Severed Streets, and there’s nothing to make you feel better than reading about other people struggling to solve super-natural crimes.

So everyone who is at WisCon, please have a lovely time and be wonderful to each other. Have a drink and raise your glass in my general direction.

In return, I won’t cough on you.


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17 thoughts on “Withdrawing from Wiscon due to illness. Darn it.”

  1. Sherri Murphy-Jacobs

    Some two dozen people will NOT come home with con crud thanks to your selfless act. Feel better soon!

  2. Irony. A few weeks ago WisCon sent out a warning about mumps in Madison. So I had a blood titer done — and I still have the antibodies from the MMR vaccine some fifty years ago. Yay, science.

    Alas, I don’t think I ever had a MRK vaccination, so I appreciate your concern for others.

    Also it really sucks to be sick on the road. Get some rest.

    Dr. Phil

    1. Yay science, indeed. I’m glad to hear that, since my vaccine is of the same vintage as yours.

    1. I know. It’s odd for me, so I was actually wondering if it was the same bug lingering or just another one taking advantage of a system stressed from travel.

      Or a disease that jumped from the dragons. Dragon flu?

  3. I’m so sorry to hear you’re sick, but grateful you’re being conscientious about the public health angle — this year’s Katsucon death was a sobering reminder that one person’s con-crud can be another person’s fatal complication (http://www.elitecosplay.com/katsucon-death-reminds-us-that-everyones-health-is-important/).

    You may want to consider contacting the ‘Member Assistance Fund’ WisCon people to see if it’s possible to arrange a last-minute donation of your membership to Con or Bust or the like; I know there was a lot of demand for assistance this year.

  4. Although they’ll miss you at Wiscon, I do remember the one Wiscon I attended that got hit with norovirus. Many indeed were the people that wished the one person who wasn’t feeling well had Just Stayed Home.

  5. A noble gesture.

    I remember the week of utter misery after food poisoning attacked a Westercon.

    Glad you’re at home and can hibernate now.

    Maybe I’m glad I didn’t make it to Borderlands and the movie. My immune system is diametrically opposed to yours.

  6. Couldn’t you show up, and sharpie up a sign for your table saying “FREE FLU VIRUSES?”

    All right, all right. You get some rest.

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