Weta Holics: Weta Originals Rayguns –

RaygunLook at these shiny, shiny Rayguns.

The Rayguns: Dr. Grordborts Infallible Aether Oscillators, are a line of immensely dangerous yet simple to operate wave oscillation weapons.

Meticulously built to the exacting standards and plans of Dr. Grordbort, these weapons, bespangled in fine detail and with various (most likely quite dangerous) moving parts are the perfect addition to a gentleman’s study or a deterring centerpiece for a lady’s powder room or chiffonier.

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8 thoughts on “Weta Holics: Weta Originals Rayguns –”

  1. There’s an art glass store right here in downtown Portland that has two of them for sale. I’ve always wanted to buy them and then endow a prize for crunchy SF and give those as part of the award.

    Someday, if I win the lottery.

  2. Fireborne Glass, at Morgan’s Alley (on Broadway, 2 blocks north of Nordstrom). Also on that block: Jane’s Vanity, a lingerie store, and Under2, a men’s underwear store (with live models!)

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