14 thoughts on “Todd Oliver and Irving”

  1. um. it’s a fake mouth, right? and the dog’s real mouth is what…taped shut?
    thanks in advance for tonight’s upcoming nightmare.

  2. Perhaps he ought to spend less time engineering that crazy mouth and more time on NOT using his eyebrows when he’s speaking for the dog. The straighter of a face you can keep, the better you look, and no one will notice that your lips are wobbling a little bit.

    (Yes, I AM rather in a bad mood.) Still, I do wonder who trained that dog so well and will they train my rabbit to be less of an utter brat…:D

  3. I was wondering how he did the dog’s mouth…wow! Pretty amazing. I thought the guy’s lips were good although you could see his throat moving.

  4. I feel bad for the dog that had to have his mouth taped shut. There are plenty of movies about animals where they just have a shot of the animal with his mouth open and then just dub whatever lines they want as if they are actually talking (but they obviously are not). I kinda wish the ventriloquist just did that, and improvise based on whatever the dog ends up doing.

  5. That was a little weird. I’m afraid to go to sleep with my dog around me now. I did like how the tag line underneath read: “Talking Dog?” Like it just might be real.

    That is one mellow dog, though. I wish mine was a little more like that, but he’s 6 months old. I have a way to go.

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