The Studio – Day Two

I went to bed at nine o’clock last night and just passed out. Then I woke up shortly after midnight–very annoying–and I could not get back to sleep. I finally got out of bed and had a snack, then tried to sleep again. The last time I looked at the clock it was three a.m., but the alarm startled me when it went off, so I must have been fully asleep.

Despite that, I feel much, much better today. We got to the studio about 8:30; Jodi and Sam picked me up. So far I haven’t done any puppetry except to play around in the puppet shop. The rest of my time is spent helping get the puppeteers pillows for their shots. There will be more involved shots later when they will use all of us but right now I’m very contented to ease into things. I worked for a bit with Julie, who I’ll be seconding at times. That was fun.

I can’t take pictures of the set, so here’s something I can take a photo of. They feed us in a really great lunchroom. It has a view of the lava fields that surround us. The landscape here is like nothing I’ve seen; it is like a moonscape and at the same time lush with life.

The mosses and grasses, the small flowers and shrubs blanket the rocks and soften their edges. Everything feels new.

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