The Lawyer and Audrey II

I met with a lawyer yesterday about the continuing saga. He looked over the documents that I have on the case and said that Carlile was blowing smoke. His advice was to go ahead with the claim. If they deny the claim, then we’ll talk about sueing.

Meanwhile, I contacted Marty Robinson, the man who built the original Little Shop of Horrors Off-Broadway pupepts as well as the Broadway puppets. I’ll need an invoice, but since I built my set, I don’t have one. The lawyer said that an appraisal by the world expert on Audrey IIs ought to hold up. Marty said, “HOW CAN A SHIPPING COMPANY ‘LOSE’ SOMETHING THAT BIG?”

My thoughts exactly.

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3 thoughts on “The Lawyer and Audrey II”

  1. Grrrrr.

    I’m glad you’re taking them to the wall on this one. Godspeed.

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