The body and boning

Beginning the boningTo make the body, I started by creating a fullsize mockup of the bear’s torso. Next, I covered the form in cloth and established the basic fit. In this photo, I’m attaching the boning. Because I am making a pattern of the bear, I’ll pin everything into place, then label each piece of boning and remove it all. I’ll take measurements, cut the cloth apart to make a pattern and then rebuild it all. The bear has two types of boning, springsteel and plastic. The springsteel is stronger, but will be too stiff for areas like the arms and legs. It’s perfect for the large areas like the belly of the bear.

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2 thoughts on “The body and boning”

  1. Oh, my. I’ll have to add that to my list of things said at work.

    Boning is designed to be used in dressmaking. It turns up in structured bodices, corsets and hoopskirts. It’s flat metal or plastic in a cloth sleeve.

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