Seventh anniversary

Wedding cakeRob and I are celebrating our seventh anniversary today. One of my rituals is that I completely unplug and am unavailable to the rest of the world. In fact, this is an automated entry. La! It’s like time-travel.

I don’t mind if we miss birthdays or other holidays, but our anniversary is very important to me.[1. I carry around a copy of our wedding vows in my wallet. I’m that sappy] One of the things that I enjoy is the ritual of trying to find the right gift. We do that whole thing of following the traditional gifts, so the first annivesary we both gave paper gifts. This year is wool or copper. I picked wool and got Rob some of the afghan shepherd’s hats he’s so fond of.

See you all on Tuesday!

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25 thoughts on “Seventh anniversary”

  1. Happy seventh anniversary! That’s a milestone, for sure. I think sappy may be the key to a happy marriage, actually :). No one mentions this, but it’s the things like leaving small love notes or love jokes, or, well, vows in a wallet, sure, that mean an awful lot to the other guy.

    Congratulations, and I love the idea of woolen gifts 🙂 That’s so cute!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Well, belated anyway, since you won’t see these until tomorrow.

    It’s great that you unplug and you put so much effort into the gift.

  3. Is it seven years already?
    yet, at the same time, with all the travel, adventure, and accomplishment, I want to ask…
    Has it only been seven years?


  4. Happy Anniversary! I have no problem remembering our anniversary, partly because I am good at remembering important dates, especially when, two days later, Challenger blew up all over the sky. I’m quite glad that this wasn’t an Ill Omen.

  5. Happy Anniversary! I’d say that if you’re still sappy about each other after 7 years, you’re definitely doing something right.

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