Setting up the office

I’m somewhat amazed at how easily we agreed on a color for the office. Unfortunately, finding a place where the paint was affordable proved significantly harder. The first place I went to wanted $45 per gallon of paint. That’s more than twice what I usually pay in Portland and totally not in our budget.

Rest assured, that I did find affordable paint, although still more than I’ve paid before. Sigh. BUT the room is painted, mopped and we began moving things into it. The painting of it was pretty funny. All of my work clothes are in the boxes we shipped back from Iceland. After considering several options, I finally decided to paint the room in my work jacket and a t-shirt. Rob says that I looked like a pin-up girl, since I was sans trousers.

I’ll post photos once it’s a little more put together.

Edited to add:
Of the office–I’ll post photos of the office once it’s a little more put together. Geez… you people. One little slip of an imprecise pronoun and your minds go straight to the gutter.

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5 thoughts on “Setting up the office”

  1. Um, will these be photos of you sans trousers, or merely photos of the finished room?,,, (nice that Rob thinks of you as a pin up girl…)

  2. >>> I finally decided to paint the room in my work jacket and a t-shirt. Rob says that I looked like a pin-up girl, since I was sans trousers. I’ll post photos

    Wow, Cheesecake Robinette! Now yer talkin’!

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