Sale! Audio of three novels to Audible

I’m delighted that Audible will continue to produce the audiobooks for my novels. They have been very good about working with me to make the audiobooks what I want them to be. I get my choice of engineer, and they adjust the recording schedule around my crazy travel. Good people at Audible.

  • So! You can expect to here Of Noble Family, to be released at the same time as the print version.
  • Next will be Stagecraft — In answer to a question I know you’ll ask… No. I will not be narrating this one. It has two POV characters, a young black woman and a young white man. I would be the wrong narrator for both.
  • After that, comes Ghost Talkers, which is set in 1916 during the First World War. That hasn’t been written yet, so I have no idea what sort of narration it will want.

I’m tremendously pleased and excited.

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5 thoughts on “Sale! Audio of three novels to Audible”

  1. Wonderful! I can’t wait to read the final version of Of Noble Family and Stagecraft and I am so, so, so looking forward to Ghost Talkers!

  2. Holy schnikes, Mary. Just saw the Jane Austen thing on your Twitter.

    You seriously need to start advertising yourself as a re-enactor, because YOU TWO LOOK EXACTLY ALIKE.

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