One year in NYC

I totally missed this last week. But we moved to NYC on June 28 last year.

It’s been an interesting year.  I’ve been so busy that I can barely breathe, but Rob spent then entire year looking for work.  And that’s almost literal.  He sold his first article a bare two days before our one year NYC anniversary.  He’s got a couple of other jobs coming up, so I’m really hoping the dry spell has broken.

It will be interesting to see what the next year holds.

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2 thoughts on “One year in NYC”

  1. Congratulations!

    And for some perspective/empathy on Rob’s situation, let me flash back to when Stacy and I moved from Pittsburgh to D.C. for her job, at which time I left a very respectable editorial position at WQED and had no new work lined up. Here’s what the first year held:

    1. First I spent my days cooking and cleaning.
    2. I landed an occasional freelance gig… FROM MY MOM.
    3. Stacy broke her hand, and I had to spend several months serving as her unpaid secretary.
    4. I spent nonexistent money going to sf conventions and publishing conferences.
    5. I signed up at an editorial temp agency, which sent me to work as a layout monkey at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s magazine, where on my first day the senior staff writer introduced himself and said, “So… did you attend college?”
    6. Fourteen months after moving, I once again became employed as a full-time professional in my chosen field.

    1. Boy, that looks familiar.

      1. Rob has been my househusband.
      2. He’s landed the occasional freelance gig, from me or people we know from Portland or Iceland.
      3. He served as my unpaid secretary to give me time to write.
      4. I spent our nonexistent money going to sf conventions

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