In other news, Chapter 29 is up, because fiction still needs to happen.

So for those of you reading along, Chapter 29 is ready for you.

Since I have a ton of new followers (hello!) let me explain what this is. I have people read along as I’m working on my novels because I find the feedback useful. This is Of Noble Family, the fifth book in The Glamourist Histories. I’ve got all the readers I need for this one, but I’ll likely post another call for readers later.

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4 thoughts on “In other news, Chapter 29 is up, because fiction still needs to happen.”

  1. OK, I give . . .

    How does someone, no one in particular, subscribe to this blog?

    I’ve occasionally been called astute, but I’m not seeing the button one would press, incantation one would mutter, or altar for sacrificial offering required to activate a subscription

    I’m probably missing something simple, but . . . help?

      1. When I click on it I get this:

        This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

        . . . plus the CSS code for the page.

        However, I can subscribe via the button below the comment box, so I’m all set.


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