My House Husband

We knew when we moved out that I would probably find work faster than Rob. The advantage of the whole jack-of-all-trades thing is that I don’t have to look for work in just one field. Rob has a more specialized area. So, for the last several weeks, Rob has been my house husband.

I must tell you that I love this arrangement. When I’m temping, he packs a lunch for me to take to work. He cooks dinner. Does laundry. Shopping. All I have to do are the things that I would want to be doing anyway. Build puppets, design books and write.

The silly boy feels like he’s not “pulling his weight.” Folly! He is giving me enormous peace of mind.

Oh look! A cocktail. le sigh… I love my husband.

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10 thoughts on “My House Husband”

  1. My hubbie was my house husband (and chief child-care professional) for a month this summer. We were on holidays for some of that time. He went back to work the beginning of this month and I think he misses it more than he can say. He’s already planning to do the same thing next summer. Said the worst moment was the first morning back when we dropped our daughter at her creche and then headed to drop our son at school, passing the playground on the way. During the summer, after leaving the creche, the boys would go to the playground for anything up to an hour. Driving past that morning is possibly the hardest thing they have ever done! 😀

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