My Favorite Bit: Of Noble Family

OfNobleFamily-400Yes, I know. I’m doing one of these for my own book BUT there’s this thing I’m super-excited about. It’s the audiobook. So– I narrate all of the Glamourist Histories. The final book in the series is set in Antigua. Aside from Jane and Vincent, and a couple of minor characters, the rest of the people in Of Noble Family are Antiguan born. Some are free people of colour, some are enslaved. All of them speak with an Antiguan accent.

If I hadn’t written the books, AND narrated the first four in the series, I would never have been cast for this book. One or two black characters? Sure. An entire novel? No. It would be the audio-equivalent of blackface.

Fortunately, before I even turned the book in, had already agreed with me about why casting me was problematic. What we decided to do was to bring on two additional narrators, Prentice Onayemi and Robin Miles. They are both fantastic.

I broke the book apart and we treated it like a full-cast audio production. They are both amazing.

So what is my Favorite Bit?

For the first time, I get to hear Vincent speak aloud. I told Prentice to think Mr. Darcy and go for his deepest, sexiest rumble and the man delivers. Oh, my. His other characters are also wonderful to listen to, but Vincent? He’s really catching his retreat into formality to hide social anxiety. The warmth in his voice when he and Jane are flirting… I just love it.

Robin Miles is also spectacular. Her character range is astonishing and she actually called Joanne Hillhouse — the Antigua editor/author I worked with on the dialect — to work out lines that were in Antiguan Creole English.

I’m actually listening to my own audiobook, which I never do, and am eager to hear what happens next because of the life that these two narrators are bringing to the book. The lines aren’t the way I would have narrated them, but they feel true to the characters. That’s what’s so exciting. I’m a huge fan of audio fiction and audio plays. Getting to hear the range of characters fully represented… it makes my heart squee.

You can listen to a sample on and get to hear a little of Vincent and Herr Scholes.

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17 thoughts on “My Favorite Bit: Of Noble Family”

  1. I have been saving the audiobook for this weekend. (I find gardening with Jane and Vincent most relaxing.) Now I am sooo tempted to just dig in…I had wondered when I saw the additional narrators. Friday won’t come quick enough.

  2. Paul Weimer (@PrinceJvstin)

    That’s exciting, and you are more than entitled to do a MFB for your own book. And this is a great one.

    I might have to pick up the audio edition of this *too*… 🙂

  3. I’ve only tried one audio book (not one of yours) and I didn’t care for it. The pace seemed soooo sloooow, but it’s hard to tell if it was the format or the author’s style that was causing that since I haven’t read anything else by the same author. The thought of hearing Vincent’s voice out loud might just be enough to tempt me into giving the format another chance!

  4. Hmmm… I usually read books that I want to really READ, since my audio book listening is slightly distracted: in the car, folding laundry, emptying the dishwasher, but mostly in the car. However, now I want to hear that narration!

    And Kassie, I find narration to be highly variable. Some narrators are great, and some are annoying. Some books are well paced for narration and some are not. (And narration will almost certainly be slower than your reading speed.) So, I’d recommend trying a few more books, especially if you have heard the narrator praised. (An example, if you like magical mysteries, might be Ben Aaronovitch’s Peter Grant series, narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith. Or Stephen Fry’s reading of the Harry Potter series.)

  5. Must admit I flipped to the back to see my name in the thank-yous first. Because it’s been a rough month and I needed some egoboo.

    I don’t do audiobooks, partly because they go soooo slowly and thus my mind wanders off. But I’ll listen to the sample, because Vincent.

  6. Holland Dougherty

    I LOVE your audiobooks. I need to tell my mom I’m calling dibs on this month’s credit. Cannot wait for my copy of the book to arrive in the mail – I placed a huge order with Borderlands a while back, since I don’t get down to SF too often and their mail order is wonderful. Sad that this is the last book in the series, but super excited to read it.

    Can’t wait to see you in SF next month – my cousin and I are super thrilled. Incidentally, if you have time, they’re taping Battlebots in Vallejo Friday/Saturday, if you like that sort of thing. ^_^

  7. I was enjoying listening, but I had to stop because the characters kept making me so angry that I just could not function. Went to bed last night angry that there was even a question about doctor A or “doctor” B. Happy when right choice was made. Too angry when A came in to continue to listen at work… I’ll have to finish while walking so I can pound out the frustration…


  8. Just purchased from Audible to complete my set. After your ringing endorsement I’m having trouble deciding whether I’m looking forward more to the story or the narration!

  9. Bit off-topic, but as I’m planning to see you during your tour, I wondered: I have a Regency-era dress that doesn’t get out as much as I would like. Would it be weird if I wore it to your signing?

  10. The sample sounds great! For those of us who can’t afford to buy audiobooks, the book was sadly lacking in a pronunciation guide. I will suggest the local libraries get a copy of the audio book.

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