Lo! I have turned in the manuscript for VALOUR AND VANITY!

Yea and verily, I am pleased. I even met my deadline. There are cocktails in my future.

Meanwhile, here’s a teaser for a book that won’t come out until 2014. Yes, I’m cruel that way, but I know you want to read the first line. Or… what is currently the first line. No telling what it will be when the book actually comes out.

It may be stated with some certainty that travel, however much one might hold one’s companions in high regard, can be trying to the most steady of characters.

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8 thoughts on “Lo! I have turned in the manuscript for VALOUR AND VANITY!”

  1. Congrats! And great first line. One of the ways I knew I wanted to marry Ginny was that we interacted so well on a trip to London. Those nine-hour flights can be hard on a relationship.

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