Iceland in New York

Last night, Kahlua invited us out to dinner with her and her daughters. We hadn’t seen them since Iceland, so were delighted to go. She suggested Gavroche, a French Bistro. We had forgotten that it was Bastille Day, so it was crowded, even more so than usual for a NYC restaurant. But they have a charming garden in the back, and it was Nicole’s (her oldest daughter) birthday. (The youngest one is the one I worked with in Iceland.) We were also joined by the girls’ father, Miss Emily DeCola, and Nicole’s boyfriend, Davi. I have no idea how Kahlua swung getting a table in the garden for such a large party.

Much to our surprise, Stefan was in town from LA for the night. We had no idea he was coming. I guess he got in around 7:00 pm, has a gig today, and is flying back home tonight. Crazy life of actors. It was so good to see him. We trotted out the Icelandic for about three sentences and then spent the rest of the evening in English. Which is good because I have so not been practicing.

But I think we all really enjoyed reminiscing about Iceland itself and didn’t talk about the show at all. Certainly, Stefan had wonderful, wonderful stories to tell about growing up as the son of a whaler. Fascinating stuff. I miss being there.

The meal itself was good, but not exceptional. Solid, well-conceived food. sigh… I sound like such a food snob. It was a lovely evening. Hopefully the first of many.

(By the way, for those newcomers to my site, I worked on this show, but try to avoid using the name to make it harder for fans to search for it. The producers of the show let me blog while I was working there with the understanding that I would keep my posts generic and specific to the work that I was doing. There’s also the fact that one of my co-workers, the youngest daughter referred to earlier, is a minor and some of her fans can be a little creepy.)

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3 thoughts on “Iceland in New York”

  1. So, Mary, you got together with the old crew again, huh? And Stefan was there? Sounds like you guys had a great time. And as for what Julianna said about some of the fans being creepy, I’m sad to say that what she said is kind of true. And btw, I was surprised to find out that Stefan is the son of a whaler. Unfortunately they still hunt whales in Iceland and Japan.

  2. Too bad you didn’t have any pictures. Oh, and why exactly is Stefan back in California? Do you know how long he’ll be living there?

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