HorrorScope: Review: APEX Volume 1: Issue #6

My story has been given a nice notice in this review. HorrorScope: Review: APEX Volume 1: Issue #6

Another surprising thing happened when I came to ‘Cerbo en Vitra ujo’ by Mary Robinette Kowal. What started out as an almost light-hearted piece that could’ve been ‘romance in space’ suddenly dovetailed into dark regions I know of all to well of from my personal writing endeavors. Grete’s boyfriend has recently left Banwith Station to attend school on a planet-based school. Then he goes missing. Suffice to say the conclusion is unprecedented and I cannot say more than this. Only readers with a strong stomach may apply.

It makes me very, very happy that the reviewer understood the underlying love story between Kaj and Grete.

While you can no longer purchase copies of this issue, Apex #7 has just arrived in my hot little hands. I have to say that Sandro Castelli’s cover is even more gorgeous in person.

Edtied to add: In the comments, Mr. Sizemore says that he has twenty copies of Apex #6 left.

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2 thoughts on “HorrorScope: Review: APEX Volume 1: Issue #6”

  1. Copies are once again available. I’ve got about 20 left. These were returns from local bookstores.

    And they’re all in “like new” condition. Just like Mary! 🙂

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