Heading back to Portland after a lovely Christmas

Rob and I are heading back to Portland today.  It’s been a lovely trip and I always find myself wishing I’d scheduled more time.  The weather, alas, has completely failed to snow us in, despite my wishing it would.  It is sunny and beautiful outside with lingering mounds of snow on the grass and nothing to impede the roads.

But… just in case people want to avoid my travel paths.  We’ll take the noon shuttle to Atlanta and then take a 4:30 flight back to Portland getting in around 7pm Pacific.  Hopefully, we’ll be home by 8:00 tonight.

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8 thoughts on “Heading back to Portland after a lovely Christmas”

      1. I saw your updates on Twitter but it was after most of the fun had already happened. Trying to get caught up on the drinking game seemed like a bad idea at that point.

        It sounds like having Rob along might have spread your travel karma to the flight crew. I don’t think even John Scalzi’s bad travel karma is that powerful.

  1. Only about a half an hour late! It was a pleasure to meet you. I realized after you left that we have your book on our C Concourse store and at our Oregon Market store! I am going to use Billie Bloebaum’s review to make a shelf-talker for it. 🙂

    Here’s a link to her review:

    1. It was lovely meeting you as well! And thank you so much for pointing out Billie Bloebaum’s review. Swoon! And for making a shelf talker!

      I’ll be back through the airport in mid-January and hopefully will get to say hello again.

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