Glamour in Glass Teasers in Pictorial Form

In three months, Glamour in Glass, will hit the book stores. The first chapter is in the trade paperback of Shades of Milk and Honey, so you’ve already had a little bit of a teaser. Since one of the things that attracts me to the Regency are the pretty, pretty clothes, I’m going to offer you pictorial teasers over the next twelve weeks.

Of what? You’ll get a picture of a dress and the line that accompanies it.

This is Jane’s dress from Shades of Milk and Honey. It appeared in that novel like this:

“Her fingers danced in the air, pulling folds together in a small simulacrum of Jane. This tiny manikin wore Jane’s beloved dove silk, but with a open pelisse of the pink. A high waist with a sash of that same pale pink gave the illusion of height and slenderness to her figure. Softening Jane’s face, Madame Beaulieu had added a turban à la Oriental which cupped her hair with cunningly wrought silk roses. A simple shawl completed the picture with elegant grace.”

How does it fare in Glamour in Glass?

The dove silk which had seemed so fine when she had commissioned it last summer now seemed dingy by comparison…

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7 thoughts on “Glamour in Glass Teasers in Pictorial Form”

      1. Yes, it’s really good help for visualizing the styles. Descriptions only take me so far. But then being a male, that might be my problem. In any case, I think it’s a great aide to appreciating your world more. And it’s great you connect your passions–writing and clothing. 

  1. This is wonderful! I love your descriptions of dress, and seeing a visual makes it even more fun.

  2. I love this because I have spent a lot of time trying to imagine what the gowns you described would look like! It’s fun to see what was actually in your head! Plus, who doesn’t like Regency fashion plates? 🙂

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