Fundraiser to help my friends who have barely survived a car accident. Please, please help Nora and Bob.

Let me start by asking bluntly, and then I’ll give details. My friend Nora and her husband Bob were in a horrific car accident. Horrific. As in, there seems to be an actual miracle involved in the fact that they are alive.

This is the link to a fundraiser to help cover their medical expenses beyond what insurance will cover.

Please, please, if you have anything to spare, please help them.

Two of the lovely ladies who came in costume to last night's event at @Powells
Nora, on the right, at Powell’s books. She made both of those dresses.

Now let me tell you about Nora and Bob. People who’ve followed me for any length of time have met Nora, at least virtually. She’s one of the leaders of the Oregon Regency Society. When Marie Brennan and I were on book tour, we spent a weekend in Coos Bay — a weekend with the ORS that Nora helped arrange. We had lunch in full Regency regalia with her and she listened to us read. When we got to Portland, a couple of days later, she still came out, in costume, to support us even though she’d already heard the stories we were reading.

The accident was two days after that.

Nora’s pelvis was crushed. She has broken both legs. Multiple surgeries. Even after she’s released, it will be months before she will be able to work again. They are going to run through insurance money long before that.

She is funny, and opinionated, a gifted seamstress, and one of the warmest, most generous people I know. And she loves her husbad dearly.

Bob was in that car with her. I don’t know him as well, but Nora speaks about him the way I talk about my own Robert. He’s a talented musician. He enjoys riding motorcycles. And he loves Nora.

They have only seen each other once since the accident because they are both in ICU.

Over the next couple of weeks, you’ll see me post Acts of Whimsy. These serve two purposes. First, I’m hoping it will amuse Nora and Bob. Second, honestly, I’m going to be bribing y’all to look at that link for their fundraiser.

What’s an Act of Whimsy? Things like:

  1. Me, reading Jane Austen in my phone sex voice.
  2. Marie Brennan performing karate in full Victorian dress, including bustle
  3. Keith Baker, making Pride and Prejudice cards for his Gloom game
  4. Lynne and Michael Thomas acting out P&P using Doctor Who action figures
  5. And a couple of other surprises…

Please. Please help my friends.

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11 thoughts on “Fundraiser to help my friends who have barely survived a car accident. Please, please help Nora and Bob.”

  1. I chipped in. I hope they get better.

    My folks were in a really bad accident 2/22/15. My dad is in recovery still. I haven’t been able to read your stuff since then. Ghost Talkers is all near death and ONF has a badly ill father. My mind is all nope, nope, nope.

    I hope your friends get better.

  2. It’s evident you care greatly for your friends. I hope they recover quickly.

  3. Thank you so much Mary 🙂 This will cause Nora’s heart to swell but in a good way 😉 words can not describe your level of awesome! Much love to you!

  4. Thanks Mary Robinette for sharing this — I donated the first day and will again as funds allow. You are wonderful to share this with your wide set of contacts. I hope to see you in the fall,

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