Dr. Horrible, Act I

If you haven’t started watching, get ye to the website and behold.  Neil Patrick Harris is the most adorable villain, ever.  Truly. And the music is fun and as witty as I’d hoped.

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7 thoughts on “Dr. Horrible, Act I”

  1. Neil Patrick Harris does a great job! I had heard about this, probably from here, but I forgot about it. It is kind of odd, quirky and funny all at the same time. I wasn’t sure If I’d like the singing in it, but it worked very well.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. If you can afford the 3.99 on Itunes, Dr. Horrible is up there and you’ll get the next two episodes automatically when they come out.

    I had to resort to this after being unable to access the site all day!

    It’s a conspiracy I tell you! 🙂

    However, I agree with your assessment that NPH is absolutely adorable as the villain.

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