Cats & Mice

This man makes armor for cats & mice. I wonder if Mr. De Boer has ever managed to actually get a cat to put one on.
Persian Cat armor

Marlowe would love it.

Edited to add: I found this in Mr. De Boer’s FAQ.

Q. Have you ever put a mouse into a suit of armour?

A. If there was one question that I have been asked the most, this is the one. I have not put a mouse into a suit of armour. I have, however, tried it with one of my cats, and have the scars to prove it.

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2 thoughts on “Cats & Mice”

  1. That is the coolest damn thing I’ve seen in a long time. I’d get a set and try it on my cat, but it’d have to be expanded so much that the cost, I’m sure, would be prohibitively expensive. (My cat doesn’t miss many meals… Or any, for that matter.)

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