The last of our guests arrived today bringing us to ten plus my folks to make an even dozen. I have to say that this was a brilliant idea to throw this house party/writing retreat. While I’m a little distracted because I’m working on the show remotely, mostly I’m hunkering down and getting writing done, which feels great.
I’m also getting to cook, which I very much enjoy. The routine goes like this: Breakfast consists of cereal, toast, fruit and yogurt. Folks are on their own for that. Then writing happens.
Sometime around noon, we all get hungry so there are sandwich fixings and leftovers from the night before. (Mushroom Quinoa Risotto, Vegetable Soup and Broccoli) Today I also cooked some bacon for BLTs.
More writing happens.
Around six I started cooking dinner. Tonight’s menu:
North Carolina Red Trout with garlic, oregano and lemon zest.
Steamed Cauliflower with Parmesan Cheese
Green salad with Balsamic Vinegrette
Dessert: Mom’s Blueberry Cobbler
Then more writing happens.
You see why I think this was a good idea.
Oh, you lucky writers… I have tasted the glory that is Mary’s mushroom quinoa risotto.
Writing and cooking… what a great idea, and beautifully executed from the sound of it!
Happy, happy birthday! I am with you in spirit
Advanced happy birthday!
Sounds like it’ll be delicious!
Great. Now I’m hungry.
Early happiest of bday wishes to you, Mary.
I’m glad you’re enjoying your pre-birthday retreat!
Wah! That does sound fun, and delicious. When’s the big day? Happy birthday!
The actual birthday is on Sunday. I think I’ll be doing this again at every conceivable opportunity.
Oh, man… you’re lucky I just read this tonight. If I’d read it this morning I would have driven up there for another bite of that cobbler. I’m salivating just thinking about it.
I’m making pecan pie tonight.
Salt in my wounds!