
The Retroreflectives

No. It’s not the name of a band. It’s a fancy fabric that reflects light, and–with the right computer system–makes the puppeteers invisible. Of course, the fabric is coated with tiny glass beads and so also acts as a mini-greenhouse. Did I mention that there can’t be any breaks in the fabric? Like for eyeholes? […]

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Northern Lights

I saw the Northern Lights for the first time last night. No pictures, sorry. Jodi called me about ten o’clock and told me to go outside to look for them. He had to describe what I was looking for, because they were fairly pale. If you imagine a night sky with vertical folds of quartz

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Not sore

I’m surprisingly not sore today. That may change, but the other folks who went on the ride are all complaining about sore bums. I suspect that it’s because of all the bike riding I do at home. In the distance, there’s a white house which is the traditional Althing. This is where the Icelandic parliament

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Horseback Riding

Today I went on a horseback ride through part of the interior of Iceland. This was my first trip out of Reykjavik since I got here. Ásta (pronouced Owsta), the makeup designer at work, arranged the trip. She’s a pretty avid rider and owns two of them. The rest of us rented them. The Icelandic

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Latibær is everywhere

Latibær is the Icelandic word for LazyTown and it’s huge in Iceland. I can’t go anywhere and not see the show. This paper greeted me as I left the apartment. That’s Ziggy in the lower right corner. When I got to the grocery story, this picture of Stephanie was in the magazine rack at the

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Crazy Town

Today started with me, thirty feet above the floor working a marionette of one of the characters. The hero was supposed to rescue two of the characters from their treehouse by swinging out of it on a rope ladder. They tried shooting it yesterday, but the puppets just flopped around like wet laundry. It was

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Work and wait.

Today has alternated between very busy and very slow. This morning I worked almost constantly until lunch assisting Julie with Bessie. I got a compliment from Magnus. I was making Bessie’s feet wiggle as she lay on a lounge chair and he said “I like the feet jiggling.” Of course everything else in that shot

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Stop the bus.

I pass this bus stop every day on my way to work. This is my boss. Almost all the bus stops in Reykjavik have a picture of one of the cast members. And since some of you have asked about the people that I keep mentioning, here’s a picture of Sarah (who plays Trixie) and

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Health contest

The newest thing at work is a health contest between the different departments. We are all supposed to keep track of what we eat and exercise; points are awarded for each thing. There’s a prize at the end of the month for the healthiest person. Whee.

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The Crown Princess of Sweden

This morning we had a visit from royalty. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden came to visit work and we had a huge stage scene that would never happen in the real show. The number of photographers and reporters that filled the stage was more than a little astounding. The princess herself seemed lovely and quite

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Cheating a little

I went back to add the entries that I would have put in over the weekend if I’d had computer access. You can click on the link to Things that Happen at Home to jump to Saturday’s entry, or just scroll down. Today is much slower than yesterday. We did two puppet shots this morning;

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Shoe Tytus 6000

When the episode Remote Control finally airs, I am the Shoe Tytus 6000. It’s a shoe tying machine that the character Pixel invented to tie his shoes. In order to work it, I lay on my back under the floor of the set, wedged up into the puppet by a series of apple boxes. Once

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