
Dinner Party

I had my first dinner party in Iceland. I think that it’s a sort of nesting thing that I need to do to feel comfortable in a new space. The apartment that I’m in has china that is similar to the china that Rob and I have at home. I invited Jodi, Sam, Sarah and […]

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Things that Happen at Home

I went shopping at Hagcaup, which is sort of the Icelandic Fred Meyers, with Sarah on Saturday. We had coffee and a pastry (pecan pie for me) afterward–I actually found decaffinated coffee. I know this may not seem like much, but I’ve had a really hard time finding it, and regular coffee does not agree

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The ingenue is ill.

Today we’re shooting the music video for this episode, so I was on set all morning assisting. The afternoon looks like it will be very different, because one of the cast members is sick. She worked the morning, but I think they’ve sent her home for the afternoon. Speaking of home, this is the apartment

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New Apartment

I moved yesterday into my new apartment. I should be here till the end of the year. It’s much closer to downtown and stores, which is nice. Some of the decor is…not to my taste, but the apartment itself is great. This is my new bedroom, with amazing light. At least right now. The bed

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We went to see the late show of Bollywood/Hollywood last night. The previews had looked really good, but the movie was not. It just couldn’t decide what it wanted to be, and the pacing was dreadful. I wanted to like it, but it just didn’t happen.

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Still tying shoes.

They are letting us go early today. I was in this morning working a knee during this crazy shot where Pixel was tying his shoes. Yes. We’re still tying shoes. This was supposed to be shot as if the camera was on the ground looking up at the sky, but in reality–the camera pointed at

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I think this week will be a week of cinema. We went to see “Spellbound” at the American Independent Film festival. It was really good, and I was on the edge of my seat much more than during the thriller last night. I don’t think you could do this in fiction, but there were essentially

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Massage, glorious massage

Last night I went to see “The Bourne Supremecy” with Jodi, Sam, Sarah, Julie and Raymond. It was a lot of fun, though there was a bit of unintentional humor. One of the characters turns to another, at a very intense moment and says, “Can I speak with you privately?” Suddenly the lights come up

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Remote Control

I spent the afternoon turning a light on a remote control on and off. This was much, much harder than it sounds because I had to time it with the person who was hitting the button, but the timing was different with each touch. Surprisingly stressful.

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Playing Football

I spent the morning on set as the live hands for Ziggy, played by Thor. Yes. Thor. I am in Iceland, remember? Anyway, I had to catch a football from a hike and then throw a lateral. You know how brilliant I am at sports. Fortunately it was a tight shot, so no one had

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Domestic labors

I spent the day being fairly domestic. I did laundry, cooked, washed dishes. Went for a walk. Read. Napped on the eighties sofa. Nothing terribly exciting, though I’m looking forward to my clean laundry. There are no driers in Iceland, or at least there are very few. All the washers are frontloaders, and all the

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