
Yoga & Massage

This morning we had an energy yoga class. This is the first time that I’ve taken a yoga class and I really liked it. They are planning on doing this on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next couple of weeks. I also just came back from a massage. Both relaxations were needed because, the […]

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The Mayor

I’ve spent the morning assisting David with the Mayor. That’s always fun. The only thing that’s a little odd is that my hands are too small for the gloves, so I have to wear a second set underneath them to give a little extra puffiness. After we come back from lunch we’ll be dialing a

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Yes, we all know that it was a day late, but people had to work yesterday and Fightnight was last night. Anyway, David’s wife Julie had come out from NYC and Steina (Stefan’s wife) is interested in Jewish cooking, so they had a Roshashanah dinner tonight. There were nineteen of us at the dinner table

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The Blue Lagoon

I went to the Blue Lagoon with Jonathan Judge, the new director. We figure that he and I are the only ones who haven’t done all these Icelandic experiences. This photo does not even begin to do justice to the blue lagoon. It’s like swimming in a science-fiction set. The water is warm and very

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The art department threw a party for the rest of the company and really went all out. This is a ticket to the event. When we arrived, they handed us a cocktail and a Dance Challenge card, much like the dance cards from cotillion. I was the only one who knew how to use them,

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Last night, after we wrapped, there was a huge screening of two of the new episodes. They set up a big movie screen and projected the episodes for two hundred people. It was a mix of people from work and their friends and families. They had fruitplates and cocktails to add to the festive excitement.

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Egg Toss

Today’s wacky contest in the Health competition was an egg toss. We didn’t make it to the finals in this event, but we all now have great team t-shirts. I’ll try to get a picture later on, since I completely forgot to take my camera out during the competition.

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Dinner guests and the Aurora

Last night I invited Caroline, her fiance Pali, Sarah and Julie for dinner. Towards the end of dinner Pali pointed out the northern lights. This was a really intense display that spread across the northen sky and undulated with shifting colors. It was very exciting. Menu Curried Lentil Soup Salad with Pear and Lox Pestoed

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That’s right, we went bowling last night. I wish I had a better photo of the building, but it was classier than any bowling alley I’ve ever see. This really interesting post-modern timber and steel construction on the exterior and hardwood floors in the dining room. Yes. Dining room. It might have been sports bar

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LazyTown on CBS

Starting this Saturday, LazyTown will be on CBS as part of a collaboration with Nick Jr. It airs at 7:00 a.m. in most markets, so set your VCR’s to record and watch it at a more reasonable hour. Unless you have kids that are up that early anyway.

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