

I was walking down to the store to pick up some milk for my cereal tomorrow and the wind was snatching at me as I walked. It pushed me around with such force, that I almost didn’t notice the tiny white flakes swirling about me. It’s the sort of snow that you can’t see inside,

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I’ve just realized that I can listen to OPB streaming on the web. The sky has opened and angles have come out to sing Hosannahs. I did not realize how much I’ve mentioned NPR.

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Games Night

Jonathan had planned on having a games night tonight at his place, but at the last minute had to cancel becasue he had to stay at work editing an episode. So, we just convened at my place instead. We played Celebrity, which I had never played before. It works like this: The guests are divided

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Leisurely Saturday

Yesterday the weather was bright and clear, today it’s back to its normal fall overcast. The overcast here is different from Portland, though we have the same silvery light, the clouds change constantly in the sky. Usually, there is a patch of blue somewhere. I went walking through downtown today, to pick up my new

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Last night with the Kowals

Pat and Glenn headed for home at 6:00 this morning. By great coincidence, we had a screening at the studio last night of two new episodes. I actually worked in one of them, which was kind of exciting. Afterwards, we went out to Enrico’s in downtown Reykjavik for dinner. I had such a good time

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Dinner with the Kowals

Last night I went out with Glenn and Pat to 101 Reykjavik for dinner. It was the first time that we really got to spend any time together since they got here. They’ve come for lunch, but I only get a half hour off so that’s not a lot of time for visiting. They’re off

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Carrying the turkey

Do I really need to say anymore? I spent this morning carrying a turkey for Bessie as live hands. I also worked for Þor as Ziggy’s live hands. He was pleased with my work, which was nice. I also got a nice compliment from a third party. Inger pulled me aside and said, “You want

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O Christmas Tree

I think that I’ve mentioned that we’re shooting the Christmas episode. Besides doing some live hand shots, I also worked the Christmas tree for about an hour. No. It wasn’t dancing; it was being carried by two characters, one of which was a puppet, which meant that someone else had to do the actual lifting.

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Fiddling around

Whew. I can’t believe it’s only five o’clock. I’ve been live hands for Stingy, Bessie, and Trixie in back-to-back shots. I’ve fanned, shaken presents, wrapped presents and put a turkey on the table. And Dad played fiddle with Magnus’s assistant for the whole company. The saw too. I was so proud. They’ve gone home now.

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Snow Angels

After yoga this morning, we had a kind of fun shot. Ziggy and Trixie were making snow angels, which involved a giant table of snow and six puppeteers. It felt a lot like making forts with sheets and furniture. We had matresses and cushions underneath and it was all dark and cozy. Mr. and Mrs.

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Raining parents

My day at the studio started as long and uninteresting. There are days when my job consists entirely of getting pillows and making sure that arm rods don’t swing out of control, but no actual manipulation. This afternoon I actually got to do some real work during the snow angel scene. More about that tomorrow.

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Mom, Dad and I drove out to Skaftafell National Park–about three and half hours out of Reykjavik–to see a glacier. On the way we stopped at Seljalandfoss and got drenched by the mist when we tried to walk behind the waterfall. The landscape on the way there is absolutely stunning. This was out the left

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