
A New Short Story

Alright folks. I need people to read a short story and give me feedback before I send it off. I’ll put the first thirteen lines here, and if anyone wants to take a look drop me an email. It’s 1300 words long (about six pages) and my first stab at horror, (but there’s no blood […]

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Name Badge

I know this is a silly thing to be excited about, but after working here for two months I just got the photo for my badge. Of course, I’ve had my hair cut since this photo was taken…

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Care package

In record time, I just got a care package from home. It was mailed on the 13th and arrived here a mere two weeks later. Jodi is sitting on the couch behind me reading the Willamette Week. People are scrabbling to try the Reeds Ginger Chews and the Tofurkey Jurky. I also have some fabulous

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Secret Agent

I’m doing live hands for the Mayor this week, and he’s wearing a tuxedo. One of the reasons that I was on set all day yesterday was that it took a long time to get me in and out of the sleeves. The entry was in slightly the wrong place and it was a nightmare.

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Too short

I clearly need to find a way to spend more than two days up here. I woke up around nine a.m. because I was rested. The house is very quiet; the only sound I can hear is the sound of the waterfall. I wrote for a little. Bernd made apple pancakes, which were delicious and

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Pat just forwarded two photos of Rob that a friend of his, Cliff Watson, took while he was visiting during harvest. Rob tells me that he’s shaved the beard off for his new passport photo. This is my favorite. Cliff has somehow managed to make a cold, crowded, dark room look warm and romantic. But

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New Coat!

Okay, after much delay, here is my new coat and hat. It’s hard to see the details, sorry, so you’ll just have to take my word for it that it’s fabulous. Here’s a close up of the collar. Sorry that I have no face, this is what happens when you try to take a picture

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I ought to apologize, I suppose, for introducing my political views into what has been a travelogue up to this point. We watched the last of the presidential debates last night (Kahlua taped it for us.) which was very exciting, even though we’ve all voted at this point. Then, on the way in to work

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Soccer All Day, Everyday

We’ve been playing soccer for days now. There’s very little for me to do because soccer is not played with the hands. Mostly I’ve just been hanging out on set and getting pillows or carts for the puppeteers. Whee. Fairly dull for me, but better than the days when we all sit in the dressing

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Snow pictures

I meant to post these yesterday, but I left the cable for my camera back at the apartment. This is the view from living room window yesterday morning. And the view from the lunchroom at work in the evening.

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And the Angles Sing

Earlier I referred to the skies opening and the angles coming out to sing. What do angles sound like? Exactly what you’d expect. The sound of angles is produced by high winds blowing across the open ends of pipes causing a wailing, moaning skirl of sound. One refers to this as “angles singing” because the

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