“The Lady Astronaut of Mars” has been nominated for a Hugo!

As I write this, I know that I’m going to have to sit on this news for another week.

Here’s the thing about the Hugos, for me. I’m a huge stinking fan. The works nominated have shaped my reading tastes and habits since I was a teen. To make the ballot is… it’s a huge honor. Also, totally a chance to wear a pretty, pretty dress. 

I will never turn down a chance to acquire a new evening gown. Just so you know.

At the moment, I don’t know who the other nominees are. I’m dying to, because my habits have not changed that much since I was a teen. I still read through as may of the nominees as I can. Not all of them are to my taste, but that can sometimes makes things better by encouraging me to read outside my comfort zone.

When you read this, I’ll be in the middle of a nine hour flight. We’re heading out to Hawaii — don’t get excited — to help my husband’s parents pack their house. So I’m writing this note to the future to say, “Thank you for nominating my story.” I’m honoured and completely, stupidly, giddy with delight.

Read “The Lady Astronaut of Mars” on Tor.com.

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10 thoughts on ““The Lady Astronaut of Mars” has been nominated for a Hugo!”

  1. And I’m writing this to the past to say “Thank you for writing it.”

    Hugo nomination plus time travel!

  2. I noticed the Pulp-o-mizer cover on Facebook. I enjoy playing with those as well (obviously not published, but still).

    Anyway, congratulations.

  3. Ok, so I missed that when it was first posted, and now I’ve just read it for the first time and I’m bawling my eyes out at the poignant beautiful-ness of it. Waaaaaaaaah! *sniffle*

    Good luck for the Hugo nomination, it’s too lovely NOT to get recognition, and I hope you go on to win with this.

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