Yet another curse-producing update on Rob’s hands

Rob finally had his physical while I was away. In fact, that’s why he didn’t go with me to the birthday retreat, because the only date he could get was smack in the middle of it.  While I was in Chattanooga, I told one of my cousins, who’s a surgeon, about the physical.

He looked baffled and said, “It’s a six-minute procedure done under, at most, a shoulder block.  Why do they need a physical?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Insurance, I guess.”

He shook his head. “Fly him down here. It’ll be less of a hassle.”

We both laughed.

So, today, Rob finds out that yes, of course, there’s another hoop he has to jump through. The nerve-conductivity test he had back in Portland shows that his hands are normal.  This means two things 1) they have to do another one. 2) It’s not a pre-existing condition, which throws the status of the insurance (worker’s comp or our insurance) back up in the air again.

I’m beginning to think that I should just put him on a plane to Chattanooga.

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12 thoughts on “Yet another curse-producing update on Rob’s hands”

  1. !!!!


    Well, thanks for the update at least; I was about to ask you. Will it take long to get another nerve-conductivity test done? (I realize this is probably a dumb question. Sigh.)

  2. Give Rob my best. In solidarity, I have a nerve conductivity test on my feet in March.

    March. Feet. I just got that.

    Man I’m tired.

    My love to you both,

    Belated congrats on the novel sales. The first of many.

  3. A friend’s mother had carpal tunnel surgery last week and, indeed, I was amazed by the speed and ease of the whole thing. Three days later she was knitting again and had nothing but a BAND AID to show for her trouble! After all the “hoop”-la from the insurance, I expected something a bit more baroque, maybe involving pins or shunts… grafts perhaps.

    sheesh! When do you get to sue for mental anguish?

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