Writing on the Fast Track — online short fiction class

Think you never have time to write? Think again. I wrote my Hugo-nominated short story “Evil Robot Monkey” in ninety minutes. If you have ninety minutes, you can have a story — all it takes is understanding how to make every word work double-time. In this workshop, learn the same techniques I use when I’m writing. Through exercises focusing on viewpoint, dialogue, and plot, you’ll learn how to let nothing go to waste. By the end of this six week workshop, participants will be given a writing prompt and complete their own short story.

Classes will be taught via G+ on Wednesdays from January 2nd – February 6th. Each two-hour session runs from 7pm-9pm Central Time.

Each week, you will be given an assignment that builds on the previous week. Classwork will be uploaded to a shared Google Drive folder visible only to you and your classmates. The class will be divided between lecture and group critique. The class is capped at eight students, to create a class size that allows the most interaction, feedback and personal attention for each of you.

Class requirements: You need an interest in writing short stories, but you do not need to have written or published anything yet. You also must be able to use G+ Hangouts (Note: You don’t need a web camera, although they’re useful. The only real requirement is a G+ account, the internet and some speakers so you can hear us).

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6 thoughts on “Writing on the Fast Track — online short fiction class”

  1. Will there be video of some kind for us poor folk after the fact, or is it a pay only experience?

    Great idea by the way!

  2. I go away from my RSS reader for a couple of days and I completely miss out on something this great! Will you be arranging this course again at a later date? Or even a second seating at the same time? Please?

  3. I am unable to attend this session, but I look forward to when you post sign-up for the next set! I hope your classes are fruitful for both students and teacher alike.

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