Writing Excuses! Hugo!

It’s 4am and I’ve just come back from winning a Hugo. More accurately, Writing Excuses won the Hugo Award for Best Related Work tonight. Howard, Brandon and I all jumped in our seat with shock when they called our names. Poor Dan was in Germany, so didn’t get to be with us for this win.

It was a fantastic evening, for all the obvious reasons. I will post more fully tomorrow, but for the moment I just wanted to thank all of our listeners for making this night possible.

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18 thoughts on “Writing Excuses! Hugo!”

  1. Hooray! I was tempted to stay up and watch the live feed (3am for me), but never thought we’d actually win. Bummed I couldn’t be there, but you’re all awesome. Special thanks to Mary for constantly pushing us to raise our game. Hooray!

  2. Ma’am.

    Long overdue! I’ve been sitting dumbfounded the last few years each time you didn’t come out on top.

    Congratulations on the well-deserved win!

  3. Congratulations to you and the rest of the crew. Was pulling for you last night and was thrilled when the news came over Twitter. Also thrilled for your W.E. mate Brandon Sanderson winning for “The Emperor’s Soul”. Such a great novella.

  4. Congrats! My boyfriend is a longtime Sanderson fan and took a few courses from him at BYU. I started reading your Glamourist books this year after a foray into the fantasy section: I just finished Without a Summer on the bus to/from Chicago. This was my favorite yet!

  5. Yay! Congratulations! I was rooting for you. You guys make me feel like I’m right there with you.

    I listen to WE while I exercise. My main complaint – not long enough! I workout for 45 min, after WE I still have 30 min. left. So what do I do? I listen to past seasons of WE! Keep it up! At least for this huge huge fan.

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