Wrapping up the NYC trip

New York has been a great deal of fun this trip. Monday and Tuesday were packed so full that I basically collapsed in bed each night (in the lovely guest room provided by Felix and Sarah Gilman) without summoning the brain power to write up my adventures. Today, I sounded dreadful and my throat felt funny. It became clear that I had contracted some illness so I cancelled my plans and took the rest of the day easy.

We ordered Chinese food! I miss being able to have Chinese food delivered.

I’m flying home tomorrow and really have to schedule longer in the city next time I’m here. Three days is simply not long enough to see everyone and to do everything that I would like.

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9 thoughts on “Wrapping up the NYC trip”

  1. Mary,

    Glad you had a good time, and please have a safe flight home! having grown up and spent many years as an adult in NYC, there are certain things I truly miss: Delivery of almost any cuisine you can think of! The subway system, a cool breeze coming off the Narrows, and Wo-Hops, downstairs on Mott Street! 🙂

    New York City is such a great place to be from! 🙂

  2. I agree! I love living here, and can’t even conceive of living anywhere else.

    And, yup, Chinese delivery would be one of those things I would sorely miss. That and the pizza here.

    Glad you had a great time in the city, despite contracting some nasty alien virus. You ventured down into the subways, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU?

    *shakes head*

    When will they learn? 🙂

  3. I wouldn’t be too quick to blame the subway for your sore throat. Airplanes aren’t the most sterile environment either, and you usually spend more time in them.

    I’m sorry you won’t get to see the rest of the state (like Rochester (grin)), but if you can only visit one place NYC is the one to visit.

  4. Sorry the timing didn’t work out for making it down to see you while you were in the city, but it sounds like you were plenty busy. I hope our schedules mesh better the next time you make the trip out.

    And I hope you feel better soon!

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