Wondering where to find me for the next couple of months?

I’m doing a fair bit of traveling over the next couple of months with the book tour for Without a Summer. I thought it was worth mentioning that if I have two appearances in the same town, I don’t do the same reading at each. Sometimes I’ll be in period costume, sometimes I’ll have a puppet show, and sometimes I’ll read from books that aren’t yet out.

So… come visit me?

[ai1ec tag_name=”without-a-summer-2″ view=”agenda”]

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5 thoughts on “Wondering where to find me for the next couple of months?”

  1. I set up an MRK Exclusion Zone 600 miles in radius, centered on my house. Seems to be working perfectly. Only the books get through. I can’t maintain the Zone for long; soon you should be able to visit the Mid-Atlantic Waste Land.

      1. Raleigh’s about 300 miles … the Zone has failed. I might be able to come. I’ll see if I can get off work. Road trip!

  2. Point of enquiry here. How quickly are you leaving San Francisco for Wiscon? There’s a SciFi convention (Baycon) the same weekend as Wiscon. Just wondering if you’d still be in town on the 23rd for some of us traveling to Baycon, but not as early as your Borderlands Books event.

    This is more a question of curiosity. Nobody expects you to alter your schedule upon request. Wiscon looks fun, so best wishes!

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