When insults had class

There is a lovely list of insults at Angry 365 Days a Year. I don’t think one should re-use these insults, but I do think that they will serve as a useful model for creating a classic insult of one’s own.

Some of my favorites:

“Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I’ll waste no time in reading it.” –
Moses Hadas

“He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others.” –
Samuel Johnson

“He had delusions of adequacy.” –
Walter Kerr

“He has Van Gogh’s ear for music.” –
Billy Wilder

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8 thoughts on “When insults had class”

  1. Winston Churchill could zing someone like nobody’s business:

    “He’s a modest man with much to be modest about.”

    Also, I forget the particular Society Lady with whom this exchange took place, but apparently they were discussing the case of a woman who had killed her husband by putting a drop of arsenic into his tea every day. Mr. Churchill said something to which she took umbrage:

    Lady: Well, if I were your wife, I should surely poison your tea.

    Mr. Churchill: And if I were your husband, madam, I should surely drink it.

  2. Jenna: That’s a good one.

    I love Winston Churchill.

    In theater, I think we all have a collection of phrases to say if a show is awful, but we don’t want to admit it. My favorite is “I would never have thought to do it like that.”

  3. Hahahaha, Mary, that’s great.

    A friend of mine worked in a comic book studio in San Diego, and- oh, this isn’t going to work at all. They had a backhanded way of insulting someone’s work that involved a veiled reference to a disdained rival studio. But as I prefer not to name the rival studio, I suppose that’s not really much of a kneeslapper.

    Never mind…

  4. Ha, yes. It’s interesting how I think I’d feel free to be specific if I thought the insult was out of friendly rivalry, or that there wasn’t anything to the lack of respect…

    Also, Jenna, the “getting dizzy” one is cute. There’s something I like to say to gently call someone’s attention to their being self-centered & narcissistic. I forget where I got it, but it goes: “And what color is the sky in your world?”

    Does it say something about me that I’m so interested in a conversation about insults?

  5. We have no idea of its provenance, but my wife is fond of saying, “He’s a few fries short of a Happy Meal.”

    My own coinage, employed most often to myself when my expectatations have tripped me up once again, is “Hope springs infernal.”

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