What a day doing props looks like

My dad said he thought a dull day for me was more interesting than most people’s day jobs.  As an experiment, I used twitter to record the minutia of today.  There are big silent stretches, unfortunately, where I’m in the theater without a signal to the outside world.

  • 10:22 Picked up a zipcar at 10 and am going to get a table and chairs for Night Sky. #
  • 10:40 Astonishing. Parking in front of the building. #
  • 10:40 The very nice French student and her father helped me get the table & chairs into the car. Now, to the theater. #
  • 11:16 I have arrived at the theater and am not dead. Again, there is parking in front of the building. This is not normal. #
  • 11:36 Dropped off the furntiture, extended the Zipcar res. And heading out for next load. #
  • 11:42 Also sending designer reference photos while stopped at traffic lights, of which there are many. #
  • 12:06 Ah ha. Now is the driving in circles looking for a spot, as expected. #
  • 12:16 I’ll be double-parking, now. #
  • 12:25 Furniture loaded and back to the theater. #
  • 12:58 At theater. Found parking. Dropping furniture. #
  • 13:08 Furniture dropped and off to return the zip car. Fascinating day, I know. #
  • 13:21 On the car radio, 89.9 is playing the complete discography of Benny Goodman in chronological order for the next 16 days. #
  • 13:39 Whew. I’ve dropped off the car and now have a little room for a breather before heading on the next errand. #
  • 14:20 For those folks who wanted to listen to the Benny Goodman complete discography. 89.9 is streaming online bit.ly/Hkmj #
  • 15:03 I’m laying out some of the paper props used in the show. Brochures and forms. #
  • 15:07 I’ve got the aphasia lesson plans printing now. #
  • 15:37 I’m printing flashcards of actors. #
  • 15:39 Ugh. A brand new color cartridge and it’s not printing yellow. This is the third one that’s happened to so I think it’s the printer. #
  • 15:53 I’ve emailed the flashcards to the office which will print them for me. Now, off to the floral district to buy fake asters! #
  • 16:55 Fake asters don’t exist in NYC. I need another flower with a connection to the word “star.” Any ideas? #
  • 17:08 Thank you all! I have aquired star jasmine. #
  • 17:39 At the theater to drop off star jasmine, jewelry box and put alka-seltzer in a champagne bottle. #
  • 21:57 10 alkaseltzer have the right boost, but priming the bottle without losing liquid is hard. #
  • 22:01 Back into the bowels now. #

I got home around 1:00 am.

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2 thoughts on “What a day doing props looks like”

  1. Let’s see what my day job is like:

    10:05 sitting in a chair staring at the computer screen
    11:20 sitting at the desk staring at the monitor
    12:05 sitting at a local diner having lunch with co-workers
    13:12 sitting in a chair staring at the computer screen
    14:25 sitting in a chair cursing at the computer
    15:35 sitting in a chair and about to punch the computer
    15:50 got over it
    16:20 sitting in a chair falling asleep in front of the computer

    Not that exciting, was it? =P

    The rest of the night was more exciting, involving me visiting a friend, calling him downstairs and having the call drop after three seconds because my phone went dead, walking around the building with my laptop open looking for wireless internet, got on chat with the said friend to tell him I was there, and finally actually got to his place.

    1. The real question is, what were you doing while staring at the computer screen. These days, saying I was staring at the computer screen can be not that different from “I was out of the office at a movie” or “I was in the office working on a design.”

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