We Say Gay — Stop Tennessee from passing the “Don’t Say Gay” bill

Tennessee is trying to pass bill SB0049.  The “Don’t Say Gay” bill would prohibit speaking about homosexuality at middle schools and elementary schools, while talking about heterosexuality would be perfectly fin.

(2) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no public elementary or middle school shall provide any instruction or material that discusses sexual orientation other than heterosexuality.

There’s a group of kids at my nephew’s high school trying to protest it. He and the other kids put together a website with information about the bill and why they think it ought to be stopped.  I’m very, very proud of him for jumping into this fight and standing up for the rights of others.  From the wesaygay.com website:

We say gay for the students who won’t be able to. This site is dedicated to fight against the Tennessee state bill SB0049 (Don’t say gay bill), which would make it a misdemeanor to talk about homosexuality in grades bellow 9th. That is an obvious insult to our first amendment rights to free speech as well as it is a major blow to those young people who are shunned by their own parents for being gay and soon will not be able to talk to their school about it.

Please, visit http://wesaygay.com, sign their petition and spread the word.

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5 thoughts on “We Say Gay — Stop Tennessee from passing the “Don’t Say Gay” bill”

  1. (2) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no public elementary or middle school shall provide any instruction or material that discusses sexual orientation other than heterosexuality.

    Y’know, books are material. And the Bible is a book that mentions homosexuality. Does that mean the Bible and all discussion of its contents will be banned from Tennessee public schools?

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