We have flatkökur!

Our friend Daddi is in town for a big expo and he brought us several packs of our favorite Icelandic treat. Flatkökur are flat cakes, that sort of look like burned crepes. Made with rye flour, they are sooooo tasty and I’ve missed them a lot. There’s nothing comparable here.

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7 thoughts on “We have flatkökur!”

    1. While I was there, I asked about learning to make flatkökur but everyone told me not to try it. Apparently, the stink of it cooking is so great that even Icelanders buy it rather than make it at home.

  1. Hi Mary,

    I just googled, “flatkokur” to see what the package looks like because I told Rob I’d bring some back with me from Iceland and mail them to you.  Low and behold your name and site came up on the search!  -Julie F.

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