Who wants to take a writing workshop? Tomorrow.

Happy New Year!

Nothing like starting the year by realizing that you haven’t sent an email, is there? So, I totally goofed. When I run a workshop, I normally open it to the waiting list from previous workshops and alumni of other events before I open it to the general public. But I saved the invitation for the workshops to draft, then didn’t notice because of the holidays so… that means I have three openings in this weekend’s class and five openings in next weekend’s.

It’s okay. You can mock my scheduling foolishness.  I’ll join you.

So! Want to do a Short Story Intensive this weekend or next?

In this intensive three day workshop, you’ll be taken through the steps of writing a short story using exercises, homework, and in-class critiques.

January 2 – [This sold out overnight, but there’s still a spot in next week’s]

January 9 – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/short-story-intensive-9-january-2014-tickets-14921114455

Through exercises focusing on viewpoint, dialogue, and plot, you’ll learn how to let nothing go to waste. By the end of this three day workshop, participants will be given a writing prompt and complete their own short story.

Classes will be taught via G+.

Each session, you will be given an exercise that builds on the previous session. Classwork will be uploaded to a shared Google Drive folder visible only to you and your classmates. The class will be divided between lecture and group critique. The class is capped at eight students, to create a class size that allows the most interaction, feedback and personal attention for each of you.

The registration page has the full syllabus.

Edited to add: If you don’t make it in, put your name on the waiting list and you’ll get notified of the next class. Really. I normally am more organized about this.]

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5 thoughts on “Who wants to take a writing workshop? Tomorrow.”

  1. I would love to take these, but I work graveyard on weekends, and I would never get to sleep if I did.

    They look pretty cool, though.

  2. Liv Margareth Alver

    Hi, is it possible to paricipate in something like this from Norway? I’m in another timeline, and might be asleep when you have your classes…

    1. I’ve had students from Finland and Sweden but… they did the 8 week version of the class, so that their sleep cycle was only disrupted once a week. You do have to be in all of the classes to participate, so you might want to wait until I do a long form version. I don’t do those as often, but at least once a year.

      1. I can assure you that it’s completely possible to do this from the Nordics (Helsinki represent!) but it does require preparation. I think, if you’re willing to be jetlagged and punch drunk you could do one of these intensives. Especially if you have slightly more warning than, say a day. 😉

  3. Liv Margareth Alver

    Ok, sounds sensible. can you keep me posted? I am a professional writer with 40 novels behind me, in norwegian, and I’ve never been any good at short stories. Besides, my english could be better.
    Best wishes, Liv M. Alver

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