Want to read along as I write Valour and Vanity?

With Shades of Milk and Honey, I posted the first three chapters in the clear as I wrote them and then password protected the rest.  For Glamour in Glass, and Without a Summer I also had people reading along and found it very helpful so I’m doing the same for book 4, Valour and Vanity.

Chapter 1 is posted, with a password, if you want to read along.

How do you get the password?

Some of you already know the drill, but let me explain for the newcomers.

First, let me be clear: This is the sequel to a novel that isn’t out yet. Although I’m writing these books with the intention that you can pick up the series at any point, there will be spoilers for the previous books. Going back to the other two after this will mean reading them like prequels. I want a mix of readers so I know how it plays for people who have read the other books and people who are coming in blind.

Still interested?

All you have to do is ask me for the password using my contact form. If you were one of my readers for Glamour in Glass or Without a Summer and remember the password, include that and my email will autorespond with the Valour and Vanity password. Everyone else will have to wait for me to respond manually.

Before you click, I just wanted to take a moment to explain the ground rules, so to speak.

This is a raw draft. I’m posting it as I finish so you will see [brackets] where I’m making notes to myself, rough prose, and the occasional retcon as I change my mind about something you have already read.

What I’m interested in knowing is how you are find the story, but I am not over-worried about the language at this point. In particular, things that I’m interested in are: things that confuse you, bore you, or that you just don’t believe.

I don’t need anything fancy, just your honest reader reaction. There’s a great post on alpha-reading by L.A. Christensen if you want more details but basically, I want to know how the story is striking you, as a reader.

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5 thoughts on “Want to read along as I write Valour and Vanity?”

  1. This is a really cool idea! I’ll have to read the first one, though. I used your advice on alpha readers with my last novel and the feedback I got was GREAT – way more useful than the last time I tried this out.

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