Waiting with the truck

I am sitting in the moving truck on our corner, waiting for the street sweeper to come through so that we can put the truck right in front of the apartment. In case anyone is wondering why we picked a Thursday to load out, it’s because of opposite side of the street parking. Aside from things we need tonight, everything is in a box, packed and ready to go.

I am, of course, melancholy about this. At the same time, I’m anxious for it to be over. It is interesting watching the people from the truck like this. I walk down this street all the time, but never watch my neighbors. I will miss the broad mix of people and cultures that happens in New York. I love Portland, but it is going to feel awfully homogenous when I get back.

So how are you spending your morning?

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3 thoughts on “Waiting with the truck”

  1. Currently I’m staring at the kitchen from my computer desk. I would need to go into the kitchen to make breakfast. But if I go into the kitchen then I have to empty the dishwasher and clean the pans I took out of storage yesterday. So I’m typing this instead of making a decision.

  2. Portland is too homogeneous. I recall one of the performers at the Time Based Art festival a few years ago looking out at the crowd and saying “omigod, you’re all white.”
    Hey, you’ll probably be here in time to catch some PICA TBA performances!

  3. Mary! Bon voyage and easy moving to you and Rob…you both will be missed! I look forward to food and wine on one coast or the other in the not too distant future. Best regards to you both.

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