Visiting the other side

I helped Jodi today with his website. He’s ambitious enough to want to learn how to maintain it instead of just having me set it up for him. We’ll see how much he retains. Part of the challenge of doing this was that he’s on Mac and I’m PC. Things are different in Mac land, so we had to start off by finding an FTP server and an HTML editor for him. Everything looks fancy, but I found myself wishing that it would just go ahead do what I wanted it to, instead of swirling first. But all the swooshes and swoops were fun. I guess.

Anyway, the site is far from finished, but you can at least see his demo reel. He did this all by himself.

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1 thought on “Visiting the other side”

  1. Hi guys…i viewed Jodi’s site. It looks terrific. I had a problem viewing the video though, it kept stopping.
    But, sure was cute seeing Stingy shooting ‘rock, paper, scissors’…

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