A simple rule

Look. If you are out of eyeballs, tell me when I order so I don’t sit on my hands waiting. Gah.

Fortunately, they are able to overnight a pair that’s only 2mm larger and I can probably compensate for that. Still! I ordered them a week ago, and I had to call to find out that they were out of stock.

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    6 thoughts on “A simple rule”

    1. What kind of eyeballs are we talking about here? For animal ones I love Van Dyke’s Taxidermy and they have eeeverything in the vuuuuurld and can ship quick. Human-type doll eyes, my needs tend to be a bit more narrow than yours I’d imagine, but I know good vendors for all types…

        1. “The age of the internet,” they said.
          “Global supply networks,” they said.
          “Greater choice,” they said.

          They lie a lot.

    2. Mary,

      That’s too bad. I think even Dr. Frankenstein had better luck getting parts. Of course, of necessity he was entirely of the do-it-yourself philosophy when it came to *ahem* procurement.

      Good luck with your next order!

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