Travel update

Wow. I was going to do an update about dinner last night and stuff, now that I’m safely back in Portland but my brain just shut down. Helloooooo jet lag.

So, quickly. I met Lon Prater, MaryClaire, Jed Miller, Sam Paden, Emily DeCola and Jonathan Judge for dinner at Pure Food and Wine. It was lovely. I went back to Sam’s to sleep for three hours and then caught a plane this morning. I had many minor obstacles which left me cranky but didn’t prevent me from getting home.

For instance. My flight was booked with Continental, so I stood for an hour in their very slow line as they struggled to deal with rebooking flights due to the fog. When it was my turn, the agent couldn’t find a reservation for me and when I told him where I was going he said, “Oh, that’s a Continental flight run by NW. You have to check in with them.” At this point I had half an hour to catch my plane. I was not pleased, but made it.

In Minneapolis, they called my name to report to the ticket counter so I was sure I was being bumped. No. My seat on the plane was broken so they had reassigned me. THEN when I was actually on the plane they moved me twice; first because a woman with a child in a carrier needed to have a window seat for the child’s carrier. Then because they put me in a seat that was, yes, broken. sigh.

My cab driver to come home was stupid and took the slowest possible route to get here and then drove past my house, and partway down the next block before letting me out. At this point I was unwilling to give him anymore money so I walked the block home. Cranky, cranky, cranky.

I’ll post later when I don’t want to bite people.

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2 thoughts on “Travel update”

  1. Mary, we are very relieved that you have arrived home safely in Portland in spite of all the travel glitches. Take a deep breath, and a much needed rest!

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