Too busy

It’s been an interesting couple of weeks, working on lots of different projects and trying to also make time for hanging out with Rob. I am going to have to find ways to simplify my life. I’ve been right at the edge of the amount of work that I can handle for months now, and it’s catching up with me. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved doing the different projects, but I can tell that I’m at the threshold. I actually turned work down the other day. Astonishing, I know.

You know what I want? I want a vacation. I just don’t know how to get one.

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12 thoughts on “Too busy”

  1. And I was going to ask when we could next get together, now that I’m back for a month …

  2. I’m looking to simplify too! I keep just making things more complicated. Haha. Monday’s going to be key.

    You should take a holiday! Go somewhere interesting, even if it’s just catching a train up to Montreal (if you can handle one that long) or, even better, fly over to London with Rob and I’ll catch you for dinner one day! Haha. Actually, more seriously, I might be flinging myself over to New York before the end of March. Will have to let you, Gary, and all the other New York dwellers know if I do, so I can arrange daily coffee and chats.

    Hey, fly to Africa! (I’m full of ludicrously expensive suggestions today… forgive me?)

      1. I like your reply to comment feature, Mary!

        Anyway, yes… trains are nice. AmTrak are bigger and more comfortable than UK ones, by far. They’re slow going of course! I looked into Chicago from New York and was blown away. I thought it was just down the road! (I jest…)

        If you haven’t been to Montreal, I recommend it. *g*

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